"Interludes: A true story of grief and love at Free at Noon" at WXPN's The Key

Music helps me to hold love and sorrow in the same hand. In that spirit, I wrote for WXPN’s The Key about the concerts I attended the year my father was sick and I was falling in love. Read in full here, and check out this playlist for listening while you read.⁠⁠

“I am in love and in mourning, and I don’t want to let one eclipse the other — to miss the last moments of my father’s life because I’m falling in love, or to miss the bliss of new love because my father is dying. Music uniquely welcomes this simultaneity. Whereas in visual art, two colors layered become another color, in music, two notes sound at the same time and each maintains its distinctive pitch.” ⁠⁠

Pictured: St Vincent, photo by Megan Kelly for WXPN