Farewell Fellows | Philly hellos

These are days to savor.

By this time on Friday, I will be driving back to Philadelphia having finished my year at the Trinity Forum Academy, a residential graduate fellowship on the Chesapeake Bay.  As the year draws to a close, I am grateful for the many delights and challenges of living and studying with these strangers-turned-friends-turned-family-- for the time and space to develop discipline in my creative work, for the songs and essays born of that discipline, for the strong network of colleagues who have graciously offered their mentorship, and for friendships marked by humble listening, by startling and beautiful honesty.

look forward to moving back to Philadelphia, where I'll begin playing out regularly and connecting again with the Philly scene. I am trilled for the return to urban life, for face time with old friends and for the promise of new ones. I am excited to focus my work, energy and affection in my neighborhood--to dwell where I live.

ere are some photos from our final days here. Photo credits to Kameron Horvath, Lindsday Beck, Karena Dixon and Skyler Fike.